Jackson Kelly E3 Reviews 1

i bought this guitar by request from a freind of mine( he plays in a thrash metal band called aleathian) i went and got one.

the body of the kelly E3 is very compfortable and most the sound is unique.very easy to work with. one master volume knob control and three way switch.for heavy metal it is a great guitar.

the body shape is very hard to keep it nicks free. you have to be careful how you handle the guitar because scratches in this body style are near impossible to avoid.

this guitar is designed to be abused and still keep on working till you give up abusing it and realize that the kelly is one of the best rock guitars.

i 'm thinking of trying to buy another guitar. but i became stubburn in the sense that the jackson kelly became a standard. maintaining this model in its case will prevent scratches. my next guitar wiil be 70 % a jackson.

mohamed amine sfaxi rated this unit 1 on 2003-12-04.

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